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    Maschine für die Druckverarbeitung


The art of engineering meets Industry 4.0

In a sector like the printing and postpress industry, which has been subject to dynamic change for decades, HOHNER products are as solid as a rock. Their reliability and longevity provide security and create lasting value where new technologies and new market requirements constantly make new risks and investments necessary. As a provider of innovative systems, we supply not only the hardware but also our own proprietary brainware/software development in order to ensure that our machines are perfectly integrated into the automation solutions of our customers and partners.



Michelle Nelis

Do you have questions or need more information? Please contact our sales department.

T +1 8477830411

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Saddle stitcher

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Saddle stitcher

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Narrow stitching heads

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Narrow stitching heads

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Wire stitching machines

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Wire stitching machines

Custom solutions

Do you have special requirements or need an individual custom solution? We will be pleased to help you with our experience.

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By the way, did you know ...

  • ...we are the undenied global market leader for stitching heads for over 30 years?
  • ...Hohner has installed more than 500 saddle stitching lines in the market?
  • ...we have been building saddle stitchers since 1999, thus more than 20 years?
  • ...we build the narrowest stitching head in the world?
  • can even equip our competitor’s machines with Hohner stitching heads?
  • ...Hohner is on our way to being the technological leader with our saddle stitchers too?
  • ...Hohner has already survived renowned competitors in the field of saddle stitcher manufacturing?
  • ...our DIGI-Finisher has been in productive operation for 15 years now?
  • ...Hohner’s HSB lines cover the widest range of products and formats?
  • ...our saddle stitches are designed on a modular principle that allows you to configure a machine that is individually fit to your needs?
  • ...our entire competence in engineering and Know-How is the result of highly motivated and inventive Hohner engineers and technicians who implement their knowledge in high quality automated process components for the wire and saddle stitching segment?
  • ...we are connected with our saddle stitchers by a remote maintenance tool in order to be able to rapidly, easily and pragmatically upload technical upgrades and which allows an online support with error analysis on request?
  • ...we continuously happen to surpass ourselves by permanent adaptation to market needs and in such way we have evolved in less than 20 years from a builder of small wire stitching machines to a manufacturer of an entire series of automated saddle stitchers from HSB 5000 (5000 1/h), HSB 7000 (7000 1/h), HSB8000, HSB 9000, HSB 10000 up to the HSB 13000?